Back pain is one of the most common complaints from workers these days. From construction sites to office jobs, workers are suffering from back pain at a higher rate than ever before. According to the American Chiropractic Association, about half of all working Americans suffer some level of back pain.

Back pain can range in severity, from minor to severe. Some back pain is easily resolved with a simple pill, but other types of back pain may be debilitating, leaving the injured individual without the ability to work. If you have suffered back pain after a workplace accident or because of workplace conditions, you need to speak with a skilled workers’ compensation lawyer today.
Common Causes of Workplace Back Pain
We commonly think of back pain as impacting workers in certain industries, like construction workers or grocery store workers who are constantly bending over. However, office workers are just as likely to suffer from back pain due to repetitive stress injuries and constantly sitting.
Causes of workplace back pain include:
- Slip and fall accident
- Improper lifting
- Sitting for too long
- Falling from a height
- On-the-job car accident
You can prevent many back injuries by taking proper precautions and making sure that you move around enough. However, that does not negate your employer’s responsibility to provide you with safe and proper working conditions. If you have suffered an accident while working or have developed chronic back pain because of your job, you need to speak with a New York workers’ compensation lawyer today.
Common Back Injuries
Let’s assume that you know your back pain is a result of your working conditions or an accident on the job. Knowing the specific cause and treatment may still prove confusing.
Back Strains
Lower back strains are the most common cause of back pain. Knowing that other people suffer the same condition does not help you get better, though. What will help a back strain is rest, but rest usually comes with missed work. If your back strain happened because of your job, then you should contact a trusted New York workers’ compensation lawyer. Ivan M. Diamond’s job is to help clients recover for their lost wages and make sure that they do not suffer any more than they already have.
Spinal Cord Injuries
The spinal cord is a central component of the human body, carrying messages from the brain to every corner of the body. If you suffer a spinal cord injury, those messages may become jumbled or even deleted altogether. Because of that, spinal cord injuries are often some of the most severe and debilitating workplace injuries. Spinal cord injuries may happen from repetitive motions, falls, or other types of workplace accidents. The location of your injury will determine your recovery course and whether you need surgery.
Fractured Vertebrae
A force or blow to the body usually causes this type of injury. This generally happens with a fall from a height or in a car accident. These injuries often coincide with brain injuries, making your recovery even more difficult.
Herniated Disc
Spinal discs contain fluid inside them, and when injured, these discs can leak and burst. This puts pressure on the spine and can cause extreme pain that radiates throughout your back. Generally, surgery is required to correct a herniated disc, which means you will spend a good amount of time out of work.
Workers’ Compensation Laws
Workers’ compensation laws require most employers to carry adequate insurance coverage. However, filing a workers’ compensation claim is different from filing a personal injury claim. That’s why you need a lawyer with workers’ compensation claim experience, not just any lawyer.
New York workers suffer on-the-job injuries at a rate slightly less than the national average, but New Yorkers who suffer workplace injuries often face extremely high medical bills. Workers’ compensation claims do not include compensation for pain and suffering. In fact, most claims only cover injured individuals’ actual costs. However, that will not stop the insurance company from trying to reduce what it owes you by claiming that you are partially to blame or that some of your costs are not valid.
Generally, a workers’ compensation settlement claim will include:
- Medical costs
- Lost wages
- Rehabilitation
- Disability
You are not guaranteed any of these benefits. Unfortunately, even though your employer pays its workers’ compensation insurance premium, the insurance company will still attempt to minimize your claim to protect the company’s bottom line. Thus, your best chance of maximizing your compensation is to hire a skilled New York workers’ compensation attorney to guide you through the process and help you negotiate with the insurance company.
Contact a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today
Not all lawyers are created equal. The right lawyer can make a difference in your workers’ compensation claim, helping you to recover the full value of your claim. Your focus should be primarily on your physical recovery and your ability to get back to work and to your regular life.
Let your attorney handle the legal complexities of your workers’ compensation claim while you deal with your recovery. When you let go of the legal stress, you will find that your recovery goes faster and you get back to your normal life sooner.
Back injuries happen every day, but do not accept your back pain, your suffering, and your discomfort as just a part of the job. If you suffered your back injury on the job, you should seek compensation under New York’s workers’ compensation program.