
How Do I Settle a Car Accident Claim Without a Lawyer?
March 15, 2022
How Do I Settle a Car Accident Claim Without a Lawyer? If you want to settle your car accident case, you are in good company since most litigants settle instead of going to a jury trial. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that 96 percent of personal injury lawsuits reach a settlement across state courts in the U.S. Most personal injury actions are the result of […]
So Do Most Car Accident Cases Go to Court?
March 1, 2022
So Do Most Car Accident Cases Go to Court? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are approximately 5.5 million car accidents in the U.S. every year. It may not surprise you to see how common car accidents are and how such accidents can result in personal injury or property damage and losses such as medical expenses, lost wages, and other expenses. […]
Can I Get a Settlement for a Car Accident Without a Lawyer?
February 10, 2022
Can I Get a Settlement for a Car Accident Without a Lawyer? The short answer is that you likely will not get an adequate settlement without legal help. If you try on your own, you will probably end up with a settlement that won’t begin to cover your expenses, leaving you having to pay thousands of dollars in medical costs and auto repairs. If you have a […]
Can I Claim for Anxiety or Emotional Distress After a Car Accident?
February 8, 2022
Can I Claim for Anxiety or Emotional Distress After a Car Accident? A car accident injury can cause enormous stress. Even if your physical injuries heal, the emotional injuries and their impacts may last far longer and, in some ways, be far more painful. Based on the severity and longevity of these emotional injuries, New York law permits accident victims to recover compensation for both physical injuries […]
How Much Money Can a Passenger Get After Car Accident?
January 31, 2022
How Much Money Can a Passenger Get After Car Accident? As with any car accident settlement, asking how much a passenger can get is somewhat like asking how long a piece of string is. The amount a passenger can recover depends on the injuries that the passenger suffered and their lawyer can calculate it like any other recovery in a car accident. In a New […]
Car Rollover Accidents
January 26, 2022
Car Rollover Accidents Car rollover accidents are some of the most dangerous motor vehicle accidents. They form a small portion of car accidents, but they account for more than a third of highway fatalities, says the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Nearly 300,000 rollover accidents happen each year. Learn more about auto rollover crashes from our car accident […]
NYC Streets Getting More Dangerous – Car Accident Attorneys Can Help
November 12, 2021
NYC Streets Getting More Dangerous – Car Accident Attorneys Can Help Traffic accidents in 2021 throughout New York City reached their highest levels in nearly ten years. Many blame the rising death toll on lax traffic enforcement. Others focus on the failure of Mayor de Blasio’s Vision Zero program, which intends to decrease traffic deaths and injuries but has, in fact, seen massive increases in both. […]
Average Settlement For Car Accident Neck And Back Injury
November 4, 2021
Average Settlement For Car Accident Neck And Back Injury It’s always tricky to talk about an average settlement in a personal injury case because that is not what you’re looking for. You really want to know what a person like you, who was injured like you in a case like yours, can get. So, with that limitation to your question in mind, let’s examine […]
T-Bone Car Accidents: You Need to Know
October 20, 2021
T-Bone Car Accidents: You Need to Know When the front end of one car crashes into the side of another at a 90-degree angle, people usually call the crash a “T-Bone.” These accidents usually happen at intersections where the at-fault driver has run a red light or stop sign. What Causes T-Bone Accidents T-bone accidents tend to happen at intersections but, like […]
When To Hire An Attorney After A Car Accident
September 28, 2021
When To Hire An Attorney After A Car Accident When you should think about hiring an attorney after being involved in a car accident depends on: Do you think you’ll have to file an insurance claim or sue to recover for all your damages? If the answer is yes, you should immediately contact a car accident lawyer for help. Understanding Your Rights And Obligations […]